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Let’s start with the most important thing to most people.

  • You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

  • Light Programs are not about money but about helping you into the vibration of Universal Consciousness that is governed by Laws.

  • The Law of Attraction is just one small part of the whole. The Law of Reflection and the Law of Balance in Exchange are the Laws that govern these Light Programs and enable them to work.

  • An Emerald Heart Light Program costs you less than 9 pence per day and it actually guarantees to offer you more than that in some kind of return.

If you think that the Light hasn’t worked or helped you, you get all your money back, no questions asked.

Get a connection now

The Light can even be magnified. Yes, you can actually magnify your connection. You do this through:

  • Gratitude and Reverence and Respect

The Light is The Source of all things. We are small in comparison. When you stand in front of something that you immediately know is greater than anything that you have ever experienced, it is natural to bow your head and heart in Reverence and Respect. As you learn how to offer Reverence and Respect to the Light, it will offer you even more.

Secondly but of equal importance is Gratitude. I mean Gratitude for absolutely everything in life. Learning to offer Gratitude comes from being very present in the moment and seeing the most amazing things that are around you and within you. As we know, familiarity breeds contempt. Don’t allow anything in your life to become familiar. See the magic in everything and give thanks for it. As your level of gratitude grows, you will feel the Light even more and it will reflect ever more to you.

The book explains how the Emerald Heart Light raised David’s vibration to the point where it attracted his heart’s desires. But yet, even before he attracted the Light he was aligning with Universal Consciousness and it was bringing to his heart what he needed to attract the Light in the first place.

The book explains David’s journey with the Law of Attraction and how you can benefit from using the very same Light that opened and awakened him.  The Light itself is offering you this opportunity.

The Emerald Heart Light is the Light of Source. It is the Light that has awakened many great spiritual people throughout history.

The Light is as old as the Universe itself, if not older. It has always been there but to bring it into your life so that it works with you, upon you and for you is a journey of inner transformation that takes years.

When someone manages to bring the Light into themselves, it awakens the Light at the core of their being and then both are connected, the Outer Light and the Inner Light. When this happens, the person is able to bring the Light to others to help them.

David has worked intensely with the Emerald Heart Light for 18 years as a healer and spiritual teacher. The Light has only just presented him the opportunity in 2023 to offer it to the wider public in these particular Law of Attraction Light Programs.

The ‘Request a Connection’ is a protocol that was given by the Light so that people can ask to be connected. Once you send your ‘Request’ by filling in the shopping cart, the Light connects with your heart immediately.

There is no separation. At a higher conscious level, all things are connected. For example, David can manifest Light into anyone’s heart, anywhere in the world instantly. When you are connected to the Light, you are also connected to David’s heart and to The Source at the same time. The Light knows who you are and where to find you.

Firstly, the way you access Universal Consciousness and the Law of Attraction is through trust. There is no separation, you are already connected to all that is, but it takes a little effort and practice to align with the bigger picture and feel the truth of it. This becomes clearer as the Light helps your vibration to rise.

David and his trained colleagues have been working with this Light since 2005. The Light has been the most amazing teacher, as it guides them in how to use the Light. They have worked with the Light in thousands of many and varied scenarios of healing and spiritual evolution, not just for the Emerald Heart Light Programs that are listed on the Register of Connections. The Light guides and teaches the Practitioners and Healers all of the time and so they know from experience exactly how it works. It works through certain Universal Laws.

An Emerald Heart Light Program never fails. It always connects directly into your heart the moment you complete the Registration Process. Over 5000 people have invited the Emerald Heart Light into their hearts since 2005, and many of them are regulars, returning time after time as they know the benefits it brings to them.

Those who are used to working with the Light often feel it very strongly as soon as the Light Program begins and they are used to the changes that it helps them to bring to their lives. As the Light enhances your vibration, you are a part of that vibration so it becomes difficult to feel the changes until you are used to it. Usually around week 7 or 8, you go through the vibrational shift and that is when it becomes more noticeable. Very often, it is others who notice your vibration is changing before you do. You may find people asking, ‘What is different about you? Here are some examples:

  • ‘Have you changed your hair?’
  • ‘Have you been working out?’
  • ‘Have you lost weight?’

What they are actually sensing is the shift in your vibration. To them you are different. You radiate a different vibration through your heart and aura, but because you are living within the new vibration, it is part of yourself and so you don’t feel the shift so much unless it has been a dramatic shift. If it creeps up slowly, then you don’t notice it so much at the time, but you usually become aware of it later. As you look back over several months, you see how you deal with life differently than before. That is vibrational shift.

Quite often what happens is that you wake up one day and absolutely know that something is different. There is no doubt about it, but you can’t tell what is different because it is your vibration. What this shift in vibration does is attract new and different situations into your life. Sometimes people think that nothing is happening but often oversee the simple everyday ways it has made a profound impact on their life. Give it time and totally trust it. The Light won’t let you down.

If you are new to Light Work, it may take you a little time to become sensitive enough to really feel what the Light is doing for you, so take your time and just trust it. The Light won’t let you down.

For those who have worked with the Light previously and have come to know it, they often feel the Light pouring into their heart immediately, even before they have completed their Registration. Many years ago, I was connecting the Light into a person’s heart whilst we were speaking on the phone, when suddenly, I heard a crash. When he came back on the phone, I asked him what happened. He said, ‘The moment the Light entered my heart I fell of the chair.’ It was a very funny incident, and he needed to experience that to help his trust in the Light as it was his first Light Program. He was in Sweden and I was in the United Kingdom. The connection is instant.

When you know the Light and the Light knows you, it responds very quickly when you are reaching out for it. In fact, it calls to those who have worked with it often to let them know when they are ready for another Light Program. The Light is intelligence itself. It knows all that is needed to be known. Just Trust it!

The Investment in a Connection to the Light is £100.

(That is approximately 115 Euros or $128 US Dollars).

The Light pours into your heart for 28 days and then continues to unfold for around 12 weeks in total, sometimes a little longer than that. To work with the Light for 12 weeks (84 days), is less than 9 pence per day.

The investment is based on the Spiritual Laws of Reflection and Balance in Exchange. Under Universal Law there must be an exchange to enable a movement of energy. There is an initiation and a response. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. The Light basically tells us what the value is. In reality, you usually get much more than your investment, but it takes time to understand how this works and it is always based on the individual’s needs.

The Light will continue to work with you for around 12 weeks in total. For some people, they feel one Light Program is enough to push them along for quite a period of time but for others, they feel their heart calling for more Light almost immediately. This is because some of us are more ready to accelerate our vibration and evolution than others. We are all evolving at different speeds, and some people find that they need the benefits from being continuously in the Light for longer periods.

We will send you a reminder when you are reaching the end of your Light Program and then you can consider if you feel you are ready for more.